Profile and Contact
Dr Yanfeng LU 卢延风
Welcome to my personal website! I was educated and hold 5 degrees in two rather distinct fields: computer science and philosophy. I am currently working at Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR in Singapore as a computer scientist, but I have diverse interests. Here are some highlights:
- Computer Science: My current work focus is multi-lingual speech synthesis system research and development, which is a very fascinating and fast-developing area.
- Philosophy: The topics I am currently concerned with are philosophy of technology and modernity theory (specifically Western Modernity deconstruction and Chinese Modernity construction).
- Photography: When time permits, I also go out taking photos. I have been practicing photography for many years and have a big plan to photograph Singapore (especially its diverse culture), but now I don't have much time to carry it out.
- Poetry: Late in my life I developed serious interest in poetry theory and works. And when inspiration calls, I sometimes feel the strong drive to record it in a poem of my own.
- Education: I was interested in education a long time ago, when I was studying in schools and colleges. Now with two young kids, the old interest has a good chance to develop. I like to reflect on the current education status, compare it with that in the past, and write down my thoughts. I am also enthusiastic about science and philosophy popularization.
If you have further interest in my thoughts and background, you are welcome to explore the separate pages at this website. This website is bi-lingual. I also maintain a blog in Chinese at WeChat. You may find around 400 essays written by me there. In the next few years, I will have these essays formally published as monographs and anthologies.
Contact Information
Principal Scientist
Aural and Language Intelligence
Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R)
A*STAR, Singapore
Email: luyf AT i2r a-star edu sg
Tel: +65 6408 2780
Fax: +65 6776 1378
Postal Address:
Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), A*STAR
1 Fusionopolis Way, #21-01 Connexis (South Tower)
Singapore 138632